Mengenai Kami

Soalan Lazim


What is planning permission?

According to the Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 (Act 172), Planning Permission is defined as permission given, with or without conditions, to carry out development.

What is "Advancement" or "Development"?

According to Act 172, "Advancement" or "Development" is defined as the carrying out any building, engineering, mining, industrial or other similar operation in, on, over, or under land, the making of any material change in the use of any land or building or any part thereof, or the subdivision or amalgamation of lands: and "develop" shall be construed accordingly.

What are the things that require planning permission?

According to the Perak Planning Control (General) Regulations, 1991, Planning Permission must be in respect of the following developments:

  1.  To * erect / construct / carry out on the land described a building / buildings / earthworks in accordance with the accompanying plans;
  2.  To subdivide the land described in accordance with the accompanying plans;
  3.  To amalgamate the lands described in accordance with the accompanying plans;
  4.  To make material changes in the use of the land described in accordance with the accompanying plans;
  5.  To make material changes in the use of the building on the land described in accordance with the accompanying plans;
  6.  To carry out * additions / alterations to a building on the land described in accordance with the accompanying plans.
How do to apply for planning permission?

According to Section 21(1) of Act 172, an application for planning permission for any development must be made to the local planning authority (Ipoh City Planning Council, Town Planning Department) and must be in the form and contain the details and be accompanied by the prescribed documents, plans and fees.

An application for Planning Permission in respect of a development must be made in Form A of the First Schedule as contained in the Perak Planning Control (General) Regulations, 1991, which can be obtained at the Town Planning Department, Ipoh City Council.


What is meant by HOLDING?

In short, "Holding" means property, i.e. land with or without buildings on it.

What is meant by ANNUAL VALUE?

Annual Value is defined as the estimated gross rent for a year for a holding / property. For vacant land and land that has not been fully developed, the Annual Value is 10% of its Market Value. This rate can be reduced by up to 5% with the approval of the State Authority.

How is this valuation work process carried out?

Officers from this department will conduct site investigations and survey inspection of the building concerned. While carrying out this task, property owners or building occupants are requested to cooperate by allowing them to enter the building and providing information or filling in the forms if needed.

These officers wear name tags and have authority cards. If property owners are suspicious, they can ask to check the authority cards.

A notice regarding the determined Annual Value will be sent to the property owners before the Assessment Tax is enforced.

If you are not satisfied with the determined valuation, what are your rights?

You can submit a letter of objection provided it is within the date specified in the notice.

The council will consider your objections and then make a decision.

If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of the objection, you can make a further appeal to the High Court.

What are the common problems often faced by property owners?

There are two common problems often faced :-

  1. Not receiving any bill for the payment of Assessment Tax and;
  2. Errors in the name on the bill or the bill still records the name of the previous owner.
How to resolve these problems?

It's very simple; normally, the Assessment Tax bills are sent in the first week of January and July each year. If you do not receive them, please come to this office. Name errors and others can be corrected provided that the property owner fills in the forms provided.

How can these forms be obtained?

The forms can be obtained by writing a letter or coming in person to the Valuation and Property Management Department, 4th floor, Ipoh City Council, or checking and downloading the forms on the MBI portal.

What are the usual offences committed by Food Handlers?

1. Place of preparation / seller is dirty.

Dirty and smelly places of preparation/sale can attract flies or other insects to land. Also, this area can carry germs from flies or insects and splashes of water while walking. This act is wrong and can be subject to enforcement action under by-law 4 (1).

2. Using water from private/public toilets. 

Water from the toilets or from places used for urinating/defecating and bathrooms may be dirty. This is because there are splashes of water while urinating/defecating and bathing. This water is not only dirty but can carry harmful germs. Such acts can be subject to action under by-law 3(b).

3. Using water other than mains tap water.

Using water from other sources that may not guarantee cleanliness. The water used may contain germs that can cause diseases to consumers. This is an offence punishable under by-law 3(a).

4. Personal hygiene of food handlers and dirty clothes.

The condition of oneself and dirty clothes can be subject to enforcement action under by-law 7 (1).

5. Food packaging for sale.

Selling of any food using paper with writing or printing on it is an offence and enforcement can be taken under by-law 12 (5).


6. Dirty surroundings.

Dirty surroundings can have side effects that can endanger consumer health. Such conditions also become breeding grounds for insects, such as flies, cockroaches and others. Such surroundings can be subject to enforcement action under by-law 4(2).

7. Using dirty cloths to clean utensils and food packages.

Using cloths that have been used to wipe dust or other dirty objects to wipe utensils and food packages is disgusting and hazardous to consumer health. This offence can be subject to action under by-law 9.


8. Dirty utensils are used for cooking activities.  

Using dirty utensils such as ladles, spatulas and others can endanger consumer health as these dirty utensils often become a breeding ground for germs. This condition can be subject to action under by-law 15 (2).

9. Using dirty serving utensils.

Serving utensils must be cleaned after each use. This is to prevent leftovers from previous meals from sticking and breeding germs. This condition can be subject to action under by-law 14 (1).


Apakah tujuan sistem tempat letak kereta berkupon diperkenalkan?

Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 (Akta 333) member kuasa kepada Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh untuk mengutip bayaran dan mengawal tempat-tempat letak kereta di kawasannya bertujuan seperti berikut:

  •     Mewujudkan keselesaan dan kemudahan kepada orang ramai untuk meletakkan kereta
  •     Mengawal perletakan kereta-kereta supaya tersusun dan tidak mengganggu lalulintas
Bilakah sistem kutipan letak kereta berkupon digunakan?

Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh menggunakan Sistem Letak Kereta Berkupon mulai 1 September 2006

Apakah Kadar Bayaran Kupon?
RM0.30 – ½ Jam
RM0.60- 1 Jam
RM4.00- 1 Hari

Bagaimanakah cara mendapatkan kupon?

Kupon letak kereta boleh didapati daripada ejen-ejen sah yang dilantik oleh Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh di seluruh kawasan Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh
Setiap ejen yang dilantik akan dibekalkan dengan papan tanda sebagai pengenalan

Bagaimanakah cara menggunakan kupon?

Sila goreskan 5 bahagian bagi tahun, bulan, hari, jam dan minit, waktu mula penggunaan kemudian pamerkan di atas “Dassboard”
Jika lebih dari satu kupon dipamerkan untuk satu jangkamasa, maka masa bagi kupon kedua dikira dari berakhirnya masa kupon pertama
Kesilapan menggores kupon ini dianggap batal dan boleh dikompaun

Apakah Kesalahan-Kesalahan yang sering dilakukan?
  1. Tidak mempamerkan kupon yang dikeluarkan oleh Majlis atau semasa meletakkan kenderaan bermotor di dalam petak letak kereta berkupon
  2. Mempamerkan kupon letak kereta yang telah tamat tempot/tidak sah
  3. Mempamerkan kupon letak kereta di dalam kenderaan di mana kupon letak kereta tersebut tidak dapat dikenalpasti atau dilihat oleh Pembantu Penguatkuasa( Tempat Letak Kereta) semasa menjalankan pemeriksaan
  4. Mempamerkan kupon letak kereta tanpa membuat penandaan yang betul
  5. Meletakkan kenderaan bermotor di luar dari petak letak kereta di tempat letak kereta
  6. Menghalang petak letak kereta
  7. Kenderaan bermotor yang diletak tidak mengikut arah lalu lintas
  8. Berniaga di tempat letak kereta
  9. Meletakkan kenderaan bermotor yang menghalang pili bomba
  10. Meletakkan kenderaan bermotor di kawasan kaki lima/ siar kaki
  11. Meletakkan kenderaan bermotor di tempat selain dari yang ditetapkan bagi jenis kenderaan itu.

Di mana kesalahan-kesalahan di atas boleh apabila disabitkan, didenta tidah lebih daripada RM300.00 dan apa-apa kost yang terhutang dan perlu dibayar seperti diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 57, Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan ( Peruntukan Tempat Letak Kereta) (Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh) 2005

Perhatian :

Jika anda mempunyai sebarang soalan yang tiada di dalam Soalan Lazim ini, boleh menghubungi nombor berikut hotline di 05-2083333 atau emailkan kepada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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  • Ipoh City Council, Jalan Sultan Abdul Jalil, Greentown 30450, Ipoh Perak Darul Ridzuan
  • 05-208 3333
  • 05-253 7396 / 05-208 3530
  • mbi[at]mbi[dot]gov[dot]my
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