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Pelan Perancangan Strategik Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh 2021- 2030


The Strategic Planning Plan is a guideline to ensure all plans are realised in line with the Global Agenda, Federal and State Governments and Local Authorities.


The Ipoh City Council Strategic Planning Plan 2021-2030 was developed with the collaboration of the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) and PLANMalaysia. The plan developed is a key component in the efforts to formulate a policy, determine strategies and action plans oriented towards the directions of Ipoh in ten (10) years’ time taking into account the internal and external environmental analysis.


In tandem with the changing times, Ipoh City Council also faced pressures and challenges in its efforts to provide excellent service to fulfill the people’s expectations. The great challenges we faced today, particularly the post COVID-19 situations need to be addressed more efficiently and effectively to revitalise the economy of Ipoh city.


The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted us, the government, the private sector and society to increase efforts to master digital technology. In tandem with the changing times, Ipoh City Council also faced pressures and challenges in the efforts to identify opportunities and increase knowledge in exploring the digital future to improve the delivery of government digital services based on the needs of the people.


The Ipoh City Council Strategic Planning Plan 2021 is supported by the vision of making Ipoh a Smart, Healthy City Region based on Sustainable Ecosystem. By Strengthening Inclusive Urban Management Towards a Low Carbon, Smart and Healthy City by 2030, this plan has been formulated based on seven benchmarks, i.e.:

  1. a) Ipoh the Cleanest City in Malaysia 2023;
  2. b) Ipoh a Major National Tourism City 2025;
  3. c) Ipoh Possesses Digital Infrastructure and Other Infrastructures, Among the Best in the Country 2027;
  4. d) Ipoh a Smart City 2030;
  5. e) Ipoh a Low Carbon City 2030
  6. f) Ipoh a Smart, Healthy City 2030; and
  7. g) Ipoh Achieves High Income City Target 2030


This plan was developed based on the aspirations of stakeholders and city folks by emphasising on goal outcomes that are more holistic, systematic and inclusive in formulating the five (5) strategic thrusts towards strengthening a smart, effective and dynamic service delivery system, i.e.:

  1. Formation of a Smart, Healthy Society;
  2. Strengthening Infrastructure and Public Facilities;
  3. Environmental Sustainability;
  4. Strengthening a Resilient Economy; and
  5. Enhancing Competent Governance.

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  • Ipoh City Council, Jalan Sultan Abdul Jalil, Greentown 30450, Ipoh Perak Darul Ridzuan
  • 05-208 3333
  • 05-253 7396 / 05-208 3530
  • mbi[at]mbi[dot]gov[dot]my
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